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All You Need To Know About Getting A Postnatal Massage

All You Need To Know About Getting A Postnatal Massage

Pregnancy is one of the beautiful times for every new or experienced mother. But pregnancy is often accompanied by a lot of blues, problems, and pains. Delivery is considered to be the most painful one among these problems. The pain a mother has to suffer is unavoidable in every delivery, even if it is a Caesarean one. However, the pain and postnatal problems can be solved quickly with the help of postnatal massage therapy in Calgary.

What Is A PostNatal Massage?

A postnatal massage involves a full body massage of a new mother after delivery. The massage is given by a professional masseuse starting from the feet and ending with a relaxing massage for the head. This type of massage therapy after delivery can be an excellent relief for new mothers as it is known to enhance blood flow and aid the release of endorphins which induce a feeling of relaxation.

When Can You Get PostNatal Massage?

If you have had a normal delivery, it is safe to start getting postnatal massages after a week. However, if you have undergone a Caesarean operation, it is advised to wait until the cut is completely healed, which usually takes about 6-7 weeks. Getting massages during this period can apply pressure on the operated part and result in improper tissue formation, which further leads to permanent scars and uneven skin.

How Often Should You Get A Massage?

Generally, postnatal oil massage is recommended daily for up to one-month post-delivery. You can continue taking the massage therapy in Calgary if you feel exhausted even after a month. As the postnatal massages create a balance between a woman’s emotional and physical needs, they can be given up to 6 months post-delivery.

What Are The Benefits Of PostNatal Massage?

Apart from unwinding and de-stressing you, postnatal massage therapy provides the following benefits:

  1. Speedy recovery from a Caesarean – Gentle, regular massages to the operated area increase blood supply and help with internal healing.
  2. Improve muscle movement – The core muscles of a woman stretch and become weak during and after pregnancy. Prenatal massages rejuvenate the body and help you gain your muscle strength back.
  3. Boosts milk production – Postnatal massages involve special techniques to stimulate the breast tissue. In short, these massages help in releasing Prolactin and Oxytocin, hormones that boost milk production. Not only this, but massages also loosen out lumps and prevent mastitis, the bacterial infection caused by a blocked milk duct in the breast.

  4. Provides a slimmer tummy – The massages strengthen strained muscles and also work on the swollen muscles. This helps you regain your slimmer tummy.

Choosing the right massage oil and using the right massaging technique are essential for a postnatal massage. You can choose an oil with herbal ingredients such as aloe vera, sesame oil, winter cherry, country mallow, etc. as they provide better relaxation. And for the best postnatal massage therapy in Calgary, you can consult a professional masseuse who provides prenatal and postnatal massages.