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Kinesio Taping Your Frozen Shoulder

Kinesio Taping Your Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder (FS) is the more commonly known name for Adhesive Capsulitis (AC) which is the loss of movement or stiffness in the shoulder. Shoulder movements become very restricted as there is a scar like tissue formed in the shoulder joint leaving lesser room for movement. This restricted movement is also painful making functions. Generally, a frozen shoulder recovers on its own after a certain period of time which could span from 2-4 years. Rather than waiting for the effects to die down with time, you could opt for the various treatment available such as Kinesio Taping.

Frozen Shoulder
FS is a medical condition in which the connective tissue in your glenohumeral joint (ball socket joint of the shoulder) becomes inflamed causing chronic pain and stiffness. The condition is frustrating for patients because of its immensely slow recovery and restricted range of motion. The exact cause of the disease is yet unknown but a more commonly accepted theory is that it may have an autoimmune component, with body attacking healthy tissue in the capsule. FS is also associated with depression, pain and back and neck problems which are caused by the restricted movement. Sleeping at night can be a painful for patients with FS as the condition gets worse at night and during winters.

How does Kinesio Taping help?
Kinesio taping could be included as a part of your physical therapy treatment program as it provides security and stability to the affected joint while reducing edema. The adhesive tapes are known to enhance support for the affected joint which makes it easy to move while also decreasing shoulder pain. Overall joint function improves with application of Kinesio tapes as it restores normal muscle activation. During the recovery phase of the injury, the tapes act as an additional protection.
Taping Method
As the movement is restricted patients will need help from an assistant to move through as much range of motion as possible.

  •  Step 1

A Y strip has to be applied on the deltoid muscle from insertion to origin. The application begins by placing the undivided end (base) of the Kinesio Y strip about 2 inches below the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus with no tension applied to the strip.

  • Step 2

The process begins with placing another Y strip 2 inches below the medial middle border of the humerus with no tension applied. Now, move the patients shoulder in the extended abduction position and apply the base with light tension (about 15-25%). The upper tail should follow the upper angle of your muscle while the lower tail should follow the inner angle of your muscle. The distal ends should be laid down without any tension and the gluing process initiated before further movement.

  • Step 3

A Y strip will again be used to tape the subscapularis muscle from insertion to origin. Before applying the tape the patient needs to position his/her arm stretching outwards while it moves horizontally towards body from the elbow (horizontal flexion and internal rotation). Light tension (15-25%) is to be applied to the tails of the Y strip with the upper tail following the inferior border of the spinous process, aiming for the superior tip of the scapula (shoulder blade). The distal end is laid 1-2 inches down with no tension applied. The lower tail of the Y strip should follow along the inferior border of the scapula, aiming for the inferior tip. The distal 1-2 inches are laid down with no tension applied. The gluing process should begin immediately before any further patient movement.

To recover from frozen shoulder injury the key is to be patient. Any treatment process for the injury is bound to take months before any credible results are seen.