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December 2014

Footballers are no doubt amongst the fittest sportspersons with the amount of running they do on field. According to a recent report English footballer Wayne Rooney runs an approximate average of 12 kms in every match. Thanks to their rigorous workout routine footballers are able to go through this physical torture in every match. So how do these lads achieve insanely high fitness levels? Here are a few secrets you could follow to emulate your favourite soccer star’s fitness. 1.      SquatsSquats are important in building lower limb strength and stability. To perform squats stand with your feet shoulder length apart. Now, go

Back pain is a very common problem. The average age for chronic back pain has reduced over the years and it is very common for individuals in their early twenties to complain about lower back pain. Working professionals have to sit in chairs for about 8 hours daily and without correct posture and ergonomics they are bound to have back pain. Investing in your body is equally as important as investing in your retirement plan, so that you can truly enjoy your money. Fight that back pain now with these simple self supervised exercises and tips of prevention.Exercises01. Lumbar extension

A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone which might be either completely broken, or partially cracked or bent. Depending on the severity of the fracture, the bone could break through the skin and be exposed, or could be contained within the flesh. Most fractures are also associated with other soft tissue injuries such as a ligament or tendon tear or nerve/vessel rupture. While most fractures occur as a result of impact force on the bone, bones may also break due to constant wear or weakening due to bone diseases.Fractures might be accompanied by various signs and

Mobile Physical TherapyMobile physical therapy allows patients to receive professional physical, occupational or speech therapy and rehabilitation services in their homes, offices long-term or assisted living facilities. HCR Solutions offers this to patients who are unable to get to their clinics or hospitals, however, there is usually no ‘homebound’ criteria that must be met in order to avail this service. HCR Solutions has been offering in-home physical therapy for their clients since 2006, giving their patients this convenience if they wish that the treatments be conducted in the comfort, privacy and safety of their homes.Mobile physical therapy is no different

How does Autism Spectrum Disorder affect motor movement?We include movement in our social, emotional and physical lives from an early age. At 4 months, a child will kick their arms and legs when they see something funny or an 18 months old will bring their As the child grows, the length and complexity of movement sequences become more sophisticated. However, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are often unable to coordinate the variety of movements that are required to accomplish these interactions, as seen from studying the home videos of ASD children in their infancy.These differences in motor movement development