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June 2015

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a condition marked by unpleasant leg sensations. It is a disorder of the part of the nervous system that causes an urge to move the legs. Restless Leg Syndrome frequently leads to insomnia because it usually interferes with sleep. The leg pain of Restless Leg Syndrome typically eases with motion of the legs and becomes more noticeable at rest.People with Restless Leg Syndrome have uncomfortable sensations in their legs and sometimes in their arms or other parts of the body. They get an irresistible urge to move their legs to relieve the sensations. The condition

A condition of bruise that occurs at the upper part of the hip is called as a Hip Pointer or Iliac Crest Contusion. The part of the hip bone, i.e. the top curve of the pelvis located near the front side of the body is known as iliac crest. Injury to soft tissue and bone usually results from a pointer. Several muscles including the abdominal muscles are attached to the hip bone. A Hip Pointer or Iliac Crest Contusion is very common in contact sports like American Football, Rugby, Ice Hockey etc. and usually it is the result of a direct

A Lisfranc injury is an injury to the mid-foot. It can be referred to as a Lisfranc fracture, Lisfranc injury, Lisfranc dislocation, Tarsometatarsal injury or simply midfoot injury. The injury is named after Jacques Lisfranc De St. Martin, a French surgeon who first described the injury in the year 1815.The foot can be divided into three parts: the forefoot area which contains toes, the midfoot area consisting the small bones called navicular, cuboid and cuneiform. Third part is the hindfoot consisting of the talus (lower ankle) and the calcaneus (heel). These bones are held in place by connective tissues (ligaments)

Biceps Tendonitis is also called as Bicipital Tendonitis. It is inflammation of the tendon that attaches the biceps muscle to the shoulder or forearm. The tendon most commonly irritated is the one that attaches to the top of the biceps muscle to the shoulder. This condition is typically seen in the younger, athletic population and it caused by repetitive overhead motions.The common problems related to biceps tendonitis are pain, decreased range of motion, decreased strength and impaired functional mobility of the arm. Biceps tendonitis may develop gradually from effects of wear and tear, or it can happen suddenly from a

Upper Crossed Syndrome is described as a muscle imbalance pattern located at the head and shoulder regions. It is commonly found in individuals who work at their desks or who sit for a major part of the day exhibiting a poor posture that incorporates head jutting forward, slumped shoulders and upper back rounding. For instance, simply observe anyone texting on their phone