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January 2016

​Jones fracture, also known as 5th metatarsal fracture occurs in a small area of the fifth metatarsal that receives less blood and therefore is more prone to injury. This can either be a stress fracture, which is a tiny hairline break that occurs overtime, or an acute break that is caused due to a sudden traumatic impact. It is mostly caused due to overuse, repetitive stress or trauma. This fracture affects the fifth metatarsal of the foot. Let’s see how professional physiotherapy can help treat and heal Jones fracture. Causes A Jones fracture is often caused by a forceful blow to the bottom or

A history of symptoms often related to pain and easily recognized by excess motion at multiple joints is described as hypermobility syndrome. It is also sometimes called as Beneign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (BJHS). The challenges that you may face can be multi-faceted and numerous, if you’ve been diagnosed as being hypermobile. People who have been diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome have multiple joints that stretch further than normal, leading to frequent and often unrelated injuries. It’s usually genetics that determine who has hypermobility and who doesn’t. Hypermobility is more common in women than men at a ratio of 5:1. How to find out

Weakness of muscles and lack of muscle tone in babies, is generally termed as Hypotonia. This condition is usually diagnosed in infancy. Because of floppy limbs and lack of muscle control, children appear like rag-dolls, dragging and struggling to move. Depending on the cause of hypotonia, its severity can vary significantly from mild to severe hypotonia. The causes of hypotonia include genetic conditions, brain or spinal cord damage, trauma, central nervous system disorders and / or environmental factors. In some cases, it’s difficult for doctors to identify a cause in some areas. Treatment of the underlying condition is important for eliminating

Down syndrome is genetic disorder in which babies are born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. This disorder is also called as Trisomy 21. How a baby grows in the mother’s womb before birth is determined by chromosomes, and how the baby’s body functions after birth, and normally, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. Babies born with an extra copy of chromosome 21 is Down Syndrome, and it changes the typical development of the brain and the body, causing mental and physical challenges. ​ Most children with Down Syndrome have delayed mental and physical development. Approximately 45% of newborn babies

Sciatica is the symptom of pain down the leg that people may experience because of a low back problem. The sciatic nerve starts at the low back and goes down the buttock and branches out through the back of the leg to the foot. There are many reasons as to why the sciatic nerve may be symptomatic. Common problems resulting in sciatica may include a herniated disc, stenosis or narrowing of the nerve space, tightness in the hip, or misalignment of the pelvis. Pain, numbness, tingling, cramping, burning and weakness in the muscles of the involved leg are the symptoms of