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November 2022

Do you feel guilty of your child suffering from dyspraxia? You are not alone in this ordeal. No one knows for sure about the exact cause of this disorder. The scientists suspect genetics or problems with the nerve cells as possible reasons for this disorder. Dyspraxia is a motor skill disorder which adverse effects about 6 - 10% of all school-aged children. Boys nearly have twice the probability of girls to suffer from this disorder. Proper Assessment The professional physio aims for the correct assessment of the child’s condition. He first of all checks whether the child can perform all the age-according

The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons and muscles that converge around the shoulder joint at the top of the humerus and the bone of the upper arm. While your shoulder is one of your most mobile joints, it's also somewhat weak. Too much stress, or strenuous exercise can cause partial tears and swelling in the tendons of the rotator cuff. Abrupt stress may even cause one of the tendons to tear away from the bone, or tear in the middle of the tendon. A rotator cuff tear is a common cause of pain and disability among adults and can

There are two kinds of injuries, acute and overuse. Acute injuries happen when you fall, twist, or break something, or somebody hits you. Acute injuries are easy to spot, because they hurt, swell, or bleed, and you need immediate medical attention. The other type of injury is overuse, sometimes called stress injury. They develop overtime with many traumas and they ‘sneak’ on you. Overuse injuries can happen from doing too much, too soon, too fast, too hard, to intense, or too ‘something’ that you body is not conditioned for. The best approach to prevent overuse injuries is by being physically fit,