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December 2022

Scoliosis is medical condition wherein the spine gets curved sideward, resulting in one or even two curves, making the spine appear more like an ‘S’ shape. In some cases, the spine shows a rotation component. This rotation starts when scoliosis becomes more pronounced. This is known as torsion-scoliosis, causing a gibbus. Scoliosis can be present from birth. Such instances are called congenital scoliosis. Other types of scoliosis can be developed during growth, and the causes for this are yet to be found. Types of Scoliosis: >strong>Structural (Idiopathic) Scoliosis: Idiopathic scoliosis has genetic roots. A family history of scoliosis, particularly along the female side

What is Bursitis of Shoulder? A bursa is a small fluid filled sac that helps to reduce friction between tissues of the body as they glide over each other. One of the major bursae is located at the shoulders adjacent to the tendons. Bursitis is the inflammation of this sac around the shoulder joint due to injury, chronic overuse or other causes. The inflamed bursa will also compress the neighbouring soft tissue resulting in pain and edema. Signs and Symptoms Bursitis is typically identified by the localization of pain or swelling and tenderness near the shoulder. Movement of arms or shoulder may also

What are varicose veins? Varicose veins commonly appear later in adulthood, and mainly among people who have led a physically strenuous life. This condition often affects the superficial veins in the legs and ankles which become enlarged and maybe painful. They are usually not serious, but can lead to other health problems. How does it happen? The veins in the human body have one-way valves located at equal distances along its length that keep blood flowing from the legs to the heart and prevent backflow. However, under increased venous pressure, the valves malfunction and blood can flow back, impairing circulation. If the venous

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition which science is still researching and learning about. Its main symptoms are pain and numbness in your wrist or fingers. This kind of numbness or pain mainly affects your thumb, index finger, long and radial half of the ring finger. Eventually, you will find a terrible pain running through your wrist and your grip will be very weak. CTS usually occurs at night when you’re in a fixed sleeping position and don’t realise that it is effecting you until you awake up. Why does it Happen? The core reason for this pain or numbness effecting

Vertigo is one of the most common diseases in the world population. It is a perception of motion disorder caused by a dysfunctional vestibular system. This is the system that is responsible for maintaining balance. Dizziness caused by vertigo can make it difficult for patients to go about their day-to-day lives. Physical therapy and exercise therapy have proven to be effective against impairment caused by the loss of balance due to vertigo. What is vertigo? Vertigo is a sub-type of dizziness caused by dysfunction in the vestibular system. Often wrongly associated with a fear of heights, those who suffer from vertigo often feel